Thursday, January 21, 2010



::It:: really has served ::it's:: purpose! 5 times to be exact!

::It:: was made ready for use some 50 years ago and was operational I'm guessing 30 years ago?

But now ::it's:: "Expired", moved into "Not Needed Anymore".

::It's:: done a very good job! Sometimes maybe too good!

I can remember being very annoyed that like clockwork ::it:: would be switched to "On"....but clockwork ::it:: would turn off again. Like a "cycle" really.

The 1st time I used ::it:: I was very young, only 18yrs old.  ::It:: craddled, hugged and nourished ::it's:: contents, and with the sounds and rythyms of the environment a scource of comfort to the contents.  ::It:: did a most excellent job. I was amazed to watch ::it:: work, to do ::it's:: job, ::it's:: "Soul" purpose.

-=-Presenting 1st Born Son -=-

The 2nd time I used ::it:: I was 22 yrs old. A little older, a little wiser.  I would like to think a little "Smarter"?  As before, like the 1st time I am amazed. ::It:: knows exactly what to do. With little to no help from me.

-=- Presenting 2nd Born Son -=-

The 3rd & 4th time ::it:: was used I don't remember how old I was. Maybe because it's one of those experiences in your life that maybe you don't want to fully remember? The parts I do remember are painful. I remember ::it:: being angry, squeezing, on fire, pushing, pulling, silent screaming. For whatever reason ::it:: had to expel ::it's:: contents. Now looking back I know that again ::it:: was doing :it's:: job. ::It:: had it's reasons.

The 5th time I used ::it:: 12 years had gone by. I was now 34. I really don't think I was anymore smarter either. But boy was I in for a shock! At 1st the pregnancy started out just like the other times. But then early on I was measuring further along, and I was like -! So I was sent for a ultrsound and as the tech was doing the lookin around she said to me "How many babies do you like to have at once?" And I was like...??? Wha????

-=- Presenting Sons 3 & 4 -=-

My Uterus has expired!
I'm quite happy about it.

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